Our Team

We are the itelios: Find out more about the heart of our company.
The itelio team consists of highly qualified experts with many years of experience in their respective fields.
An employee in front of a graphic with puzzle pieces about the team as the heart of itelio GmbH.

Putting people at the centre

A team is more than the sum of its parts.

Our competent and motivated itelio team is the star and engine for the company's success. There are now around 100 employees with different backgrounds and skills working for itelio GmbH. IT consultants and cloud specialists, software developers and web designers, thinkers and makers, support professionals and customer experts - We have a broad base and we highly value all members of our team!

We are proud that we are not only colleagues but also friends who support, inspire and grow together. This close connection is not only reflected in our work, but also in our regular team events, brainstorming sessions and open communication.

Honesty and transparency are essential for us. We always act ethically and responsibly. We are also convinced that continuous learning and growth are critical to our success. We encourage our employees to constantly train and acquire new skills.

Our passion for our work, our commitment to our customers and our strong team spirit make itelio GmbH a unique place to work and a reliable partner for your digital transformation.

itelio GmbH employees at the soccer tournament during the break.itelio employees and visitors to itelio Cloud Day exchanging ideas at a get-together.itelio employees having breakfast together in the lounge.Presentation by itelio employee Raphael Baud at Cloud Day 2023.Hiking trip by several itelio employees in the Kaiser Mountains with climbing equipment.

“At itelio GmbH, there is an extremely familiar working environment and a great sense of solidarity. We feel like a kind of family. Appreciation, respect and friendliness for one another are a matter of course here.”

Julia Doetsch | Human Resources, itelio GmbH

HR manager Julia Doetsch against a monochrome background.

Impressions from our everyday life

itelios are a strong team not only in the office.

HR manager Julia Doetsch with two long-time employees at a job fair in 2023.Group photo of some employees in Bavarian costume and wearing a large pretzel in the garden of the itelio GmbH headquarters in Kiefersfelden with a view of the Nusslberg.Four trainees stand shoulder to shoulder in front of an ITELIO banner on the subject of education, study and the future.
HR manager Julia Doetsch with trainees at a job fair.itelio employees are looking forward to meeting interested young people at Girls/Boys Day to get to know different jobs at itelio.
Managing Director Ingemar Mayr and HR Manager Julia Doetsch on the first day of the new trainees in September 2023.Group photo of itelio employees in the garden of the company headquarters in Kiefersfelden, taken at the itelio family party 2023.
Group photo of some employees celebrating a round company membership anniversary.Some itelio employees sitting together in the Kieferer beer tent after work.
Cheering crowd in front of the itelio Kurpark Open Air stage.The IT service sales team on a joint trip to canyoning.Managing Director Tobias Kurz talking to a customer at itelio Cloud Day 2023 at itelio headquarters in Kiefersfelden.